Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Podcast with Stanley Wong, co-founder, DistroScale, about streaming services targeting Hispanics

Posted by Elena del Valle on April 11, 2022

Stanley Wong, co-founder, DistroScale

Photo: DistroScale

A podcast interview with Stanley Wong, co-founder, DistroScale, is available in the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing and Public Relations, HispanicMPR.com. During the podcast, he discusses streaming services targeting Hispanics with Elena del Valle, host of the HispanicMPR.com podcast.

Stanley is vice president of marketing at DistroScale, a media technology company and the parent company to DistroTV, an independent network home to 150 live streaming channels.

Prior to his role at DistroScale, Stanley was an early Yahoo! employee (41st). Since Yahoo!, Stanley contributed to Search Physics (now known as Metavana). He also served as the vice president of Ad Products at Glam Media and co-founded Permuto (acquired by AOL and re-named Buysight)

To listen to the interview, scroll down and click on the play button below. You can listen by looking for “Podcast” then select “HMPR Stanley Wong” and download the MP3 file to your audio player. You can also find it on the RSS feed. To download it, click on the arrow of the recording you wish to copy and save it to disk. The podcast will remain listed in the April 2022 section of the podcast archive.

ANLE to provide Spanish language column for print outlets

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 4, 2011

Gerardo Piña-Rosales, president, ANLE

Photo: North American Academy of the Spanish Language (ANLE)

Only 9 percent of Latinos in the United States are monolingual Spanish speakers and 22 percent are monolingual English speakers, according to United States Census estimates. The rest of the population, about 70 percent, speak both languages with varying degrees of proficiency.

The North American Academy of the Spanish Language (ANLE) believes there are as many as 45 million Spanish speakers in the United States. Academy leaders want Spanish speakers in the United States to maintain and improve their Spanish language skills. To that end the organization began placing segments on Univision Channel 41 and on stations in Texas and California in 2010. Now the organization has teamed up with five impreMedia print publications to continue its outreach efforts.

“I am delighted to know that our language tips are appearing little by little in the most important Hispanic newspapers in the country,” said Gerardo Piña-Rosales, president, ANLE. “One of our basic missions is to disseminate Spanish, and with the collaboration of the media, I am sure that they, too, will benefit from our advice. Together we will assure that Hispanics increasingly use an international Spanish that, although born in Castilla, has become firmly rooted in the Americas.”

Academy volunteers write the columns, one per day, and provide slightly different materials for the broadcast media outlets. The Academy receives no outside funding for the work nor does it remunerate its volunteers financially, according to a representative of the organization who replied to questions by email.

“Just when the Hispanic population surpasses 50 million, it is of vital importance to establish a bridge between the Academy and the press to better serve the language and our cultures,” said Jorge Ignacio Covarrubias, secretary of the board of ANLE and chair of the information committee.

Beginning last month, five impreMedia Spanish language newspapers will carry advice columns on the Spanish language prepared by the North American Academy of the Spanish Language. The papers publishing the language tips are El Diario-La Prensa in New York, La Opinion in Los Angeles, La Prensa in Orlando, La Raza in Chicago and Rumbo in Houston.

“One of the basic functions of a news organization is to educate our communities,” said Pedro Rojas, executive editor, La Opinion. “I am sure that these columns will be the perfect tool to help us improve our command of Spanish. What better way than with the guidance and collaboration of the ANLE.”

According to promotional materials impreMedia owns nine print publications and eleven on-line news services via mobile phones. Founded in 1973, the Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española is the youngest of 22 national academies that make up the Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española, an international association of Spanish language academies. Last year ANLE published a book (see New York organization provides Spanish language tips, advice for North Americans) with Spanish language tips for Spanish speakers in the United States.

Painter image memoirs published posthumously

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 19, 2021

Elizabeth Lauder at Stanley Park
Elizabeth Lauder at Stanley Park

Photos: Abernathy & Smyth Publishing

The work of Elizabeth Cameron Lauder, a Canadian artist known for her oil on semi-precious stone and watercolors, is featured posthumously in two recently published softcover books: Elizabeth Lauder: Memoirs of a Plein Air Painter Volume One Watercolors (Abernathy & Smyth Publishing, $59.95) and Volume Two Oil on Semi-Precious Stone (Abernathy & Smyth Publishing, $69.95) edited by J.R. Boleyn, her life partner. Two additional volumes completing the series of four are scheduled to be published by year’s end.

Volume One includes 125 color images and Volume Two includes 200 images. Most pages feature a single image of her art. Many of the photos were taken and selected for inclusion by the artist, according to Boleyn who responded to questions via email.

“What defines Elizabeth, and separates her from other artists in that regard, was her ability to incorporate the stone itself as part of the final painting,” said Boleyn. “A prime example of that is the painting titled ‘Renaissance Girl’ (Volume One, page 117) where the wreath around the subjects head is the actual rubies embedded in the imperial jade stone. This made Elizabeth’s work unique in all the world, and why it became so valuable. She was the first!”

Elizabeth Lauder Volume One
Elizabeth Lauder Volume One

All of her rock paintings in Volume Two and watercolors in Volume One have been previously sold to private collectors in over eighty countries. The artist owned a studio in Quartzsite, Arizona a town known for its international gem and mineral shows.

J.R. Boleyn, publisher, Abernathy & Smyth

J.R. Boleyn, publisher, Abernathy & Smyth

“I have in my personal collection, which will be featured in her ‘Volume Three’ to be published by late summer, over 200 originals that will be for sale,” said Boleyn. “Yes, they are all watercolors, over 200 signed originals ranging in size from 8 x 11 to 22 x 30 and sizes in between, priced at a minimum $550 for the smallest to $4,500 for the larger sizes.”

According to promotional materials, she is a relative of film director James Cameron. Her work has been exhibited around the world and sold through Sotheby’s Fine Art Auctions and Sotheby’s Private Contemporary Artist’s Sales in New York and London. Her art has been collected by patrons in over eighty countries around the world, according to a press release that also indicates Elizabeth’s watercolors are currently under consideration for permanent exhibition in the National Gallery of Canada.

Elizabeth Lauder Volume Two
Elizabeth Lauder Volume Two​

The art was compiled by Boleyn, an American songwriter, author, and founder of Abernathy and Smyth. Born April 8, 1948, in Ontario, Elizabeth’s first 18 years were spent growing up on a farm in the Caledon Hills where she was inspired by pastoral landscapes and abrupt and beautiful dramatic seasonal changes. Her formal education was completed in 1971 with an associate’s degree in sculpture from the Ontario College of Art and Design. The following year Elizabeth moved to the west coast, trading chisels and bronze for brushes and palette.

Already distinguished for her watercolors of Vancouver’s cherry blossoms, she spent the next seven years traveling throughout Mexico and painting southwest mining scenes. According to her website she was inspired by her travels to paint on massive slabs of semi-precious stone.


Posted by Elena del Valle on October 11, 2018

2024 podcast guest list in alphabetical order:

Mario D’Aquila, M.B.A., COO, Assisted Living Services, Inc.

Howard S. Dvorkin, C.P.A., chairman, Debt.com

Clement Feng, vice president of Product Management, Briggs & Stratton Energy Solutions

Brooke Goff, CEO, Goff Law Group

Paul Hargreaves, CEO, Cotswold Fayre

Alejandra Requena, news anchor, Canela News

Maria Rodriguez, owner, Vanguard Communications

2023 podcast guest list in alphabetical order:

Michael R. Agostino, R.ph., CEO, Network of Advanced Specialty Healthcare (N.A.S.H.)

Timothy Baker, C.F.A., founder, Metric Financial

Jennifer Chesak, author, The Psilocybin Handbook for Women

Fred Cohen, M.D., headache specialist, Mount Sinai Medical System, New York City (migraines)

Fred Cohen, M.D., headache specialist, Mount Sinai Medical System, New York City (sleep and migraines)

Barbara C. Cruz, co-author, The Cuban Sandwich

Jeff Houck, co-author, The Cuban Sandwich

Andrew Huse, co-author, The Cuban Sandwich

Stephen M. Kohn, author, Rules for Whistleblowers

Lara Pizzorno, lead author, Healthy Bones Healthy You

Miriam Schulman, author, Artpreneur

David Waltner-Toews, author, On Pandemics

2022 podcast guest list in alphabetical order:

Mathieu Champigny, group chief executive officer, CoCreativ

Nazeera Dawood, CEO, Vendorship Inc.

Ivan Estrada, author, Brand With Purpose

Talia Henkle, Ph.D., cancer content creator, Sparrow

Jackie Lange, CEO, Panama Relocation Tours

Roger Osorio, author, The Journey to Reinvention

Andrew Ross, author, Sunbelt Blues

Thomas Savidge, research manager, Center for State Fiscal Reform at ALEC

Dina Rubio, co-owner, Don Ramon

Filmmaker Claudia Sparrow

Stanley Wong, co-founder, DistroScale

2021 podcast guest list in alphabetical order:

Barry Alexander, CEO, Aquiline Drones

Erika Benson, co-owner, Gokce Capital LLC

Erika Benson, co-owner, Gokce Capital LLC, part two

John Dunn, author, Drying Up

Javier Folgar, founder, Toa Waters

Eric Goulder, M.D., founder, Heart Attack Stroke Prevention Center of Central Ohio (HASPC)

Michael Harari, Ph.D., associate professor, Management Programs Department, Florida Atlantic University

Tony Hereau, vice president of Cross-Platform Insights, Nielsen

John Incledon, president, Hisamitsu America

Robert Knight, P.h.D., director, Florida Springs Institute

Karla Legaspy, filmmaker, The Daily War

Jon Lieff, M.D., author, The Secret Language of Cells

Staci Reidinger, president, Reidinger Public Relations

Sofia Tafich, freelance journalist, WhoWhatWhy

2020 podcast guest list in alphabetical order:

Calvin Carter, CEO, Bottle Rocket – part 1

Calvin Carter, CEO, Bottle Rocket – part 2

Susan J. Douglas, author, In Our Prime

Torbjørn Ekelund, author, In Praise of Paths

Gary Dudney, author, The Mindful Runner

Marleny Gomez, realtor, HomeSmart

Zuhair Haleem, Ph.D. student, University of Florida

Bel Hernandez Castillo, CEO, Latin Heat Media

Engelina Jaspers, author, Marketing Flexology

Krista Jenkins, Ph.D., professor of Politics and Government, Fairleigh Dickinson University

Julie Kalabalik-Hoganson, PharmD, director, Pharmacy Practice, Fairleigh Dickinson University

Jenni Lehtimäki, Ph.D., senior researcher, Finnish Environment Institute

Shiva Nag Kompella, Ph.D., post doctoral research associate, University of Manchester

Gaby Lechin, senior vice president, Global Results Communications

Randy Pherson, author, How to Get the Right Diagnosis

Naibe Reynoso, founder, Con Todo Press

Hilary Topper, author, Branding in a Digital World

2019 podcast guests in alphabetical order:

Rana Adib, executive secretary, Ren21

Louis Bezich, author, Crack the Code

Todd Caponi, author, The Transparency Sale

Michele Colopy, program director, Pollinator Stewardship Council

Javier Delgado, founder, PeopleToo LLC

Katherine Eban, author, Bottle of Lies

Tiffany Finck-Haynes, program manager, Friends of the Earth

Lisa Lindsley, capital markets advisor, SumOfUs

Tom McMakin, co-author, How Clients Buy

Shital Mars, CEO, Progressive Care


Podcast guests from 2006 to 2018 are listed here.

Few in rarefied circles receive compensation boost averaging 9 million annually

Posted by Elena del Valle on June 22, 2011

Best compensated CEOs 2010

While many people worry about the state of the economy, unemployment (5 million jobs were lost in 2009 alone), outsourcing overseas and inflation a miniscule group is thriving in corporate America. Among some Standard & Poor’s 500 companies chief executive officers (CEOs), especially those in the entertainment industry, life is increasingly good. That is because they were compensated (e.g. salary, bonuses, perks, stock options) more handsomely in 2010 than in 2007 when the economy and the stock market were thriving and unemployment was half of what it is now.

Their executive compensation was 24 percent higher and in some cases much more than a year earlier. The average reward for CEO work in 2010, according to an Associated Press analysis based on Equilar (an executive compensation firm) data, was $9 million. That was the highest average CEO compensation on record since the media company began its analysis in 2006 (what are the chances it was higher prior to that?).

Employee salaries did not remain stagnant over the same time period. Pay increased 3 percent or twice the rate of inflation for workers in 2010, reaching an average of $40,500. To put that into perspective the average wage of an employee was less than one-half of one percent of what the typical CEO was paid, according to that analysis.

According to a The Washington Post article published this week, “The evolution of executive grandeur — from very comfortable to jet-setting — reflects one of the primary reasons that the gap between those with the highest incomes and everyone else is widening.” The article goes on to say that in 2008 the top tenth of one percent of the population received more than 10 percent of the personal income ( $1.7 million or more) in the country, including capital gains, and the top one percent accounted for more than 20 percent.

An analysis of tax returns by economists Jon Bakija, Adam Cole and Bradley T. Heim points to executives from companies in a broad range of industries. Of the highest earners 41 percent were executives, managers and supervisors at non-financial companies. Almost half of them made their income from their ownership in privately-held firms, 18 percent were managers at financial firms or financial professionals. Almost 60 percent fell into those two categories.

The Associated Press analysis indicates some executives received a significantly higher compensation package than in previous years. For example, the CEO of Viacom (owner of MTV, Nickelodeon and Paramount) was the best paid from the list in 2010. He had a benefits package worth $84.5 million or two and a half times better than the previous year. Six of the top ten paid CEOs were from the media or entertainment industries. They are the CEOs of CBS, Discovery Communications, Comcast, Walt Disney,  Time Warner and Viacom.

The companies with the top 10 compensated CEOs, according to the Associated Press research, are (in descending order): Viacom, Occidental Pretroleum, CBS, Discovery Communications, Freeport McMoran Copper and Gold, Stanley Black and Decker, Comcast, Walt Disney, Ford Motor, and Time Warner.

New York organization provides Spanish language tips, advice for North Americans

Posted by Elena del Valle on April 2, 2010

The Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (North American Academy of the Spanish Language) wants Spanish speakers in North America to maintain good Spanish language standards. Toward that goal the New York based nonprofit organization published, Hablando bien se entiende la gente consejos idiomáticos de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (Santillana USA Publishing Company, $14.99), a 188-page softcover book with Spanish language tips and advice.

Hablando bien se entiende la gente has been very well received. I think that a plus of the book is its tone. We tried to avoid a professorial, academic tone, in favor of a lighter approach,” said Gerardo Piña-Rosales, president of ANLE, by email. “ANLE does not condemn any variety of Spanish spoken in the U.S.; we merely wish to remind people that, like any other language, Spanish has its own rules, and they should be followed. An additional problem is the influence of English on Spanish.”

The book, published in Spanish this year, was edited by Piña-Rosales, Jorge I. Covarrubias, Joaquín Segura who are members of the organization’s board of directors; and Daniel Fernández. It includes 45 illustrations by Héctor Cuenca. Eight men: Joaquín Badajoz, Emilio Bernal Labrada, Antonio Culebras, Fernando A. Navarro, Antonio Pamies, Luis Pérez Botero, Luis Ríos, and Mordecai Rubín; and one woman, Vanessa Lago Barros are listed as contributors.

The book is divided into the following six sections: Las apariencias engañan, Las cosas claras y el chocolate espeso, A nadie le viene mal aprender a conjugar verbos como el verbo amar, ¡Aplique bien las reglas de la gramática!, ¡Escríbalo y pronunciélo bien!, y ¡Conozca su idioma!

Gerardo Piña-Rosales, president, ANLE

“Our goal is not to police language usage but to help language users use Spanish so that it can be understood by all our Spanish-speakers,” said Piña-Rosales in a press release. “We hope that these ‘language capsules’ will help people who have doubts and want to use Spanish correctly. No one can dictate how people speak, but we can help those who write or work in communications fields use Spanish in ways that reflect universal usage.”

Founded in 1973, the Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE) is the youngest of 22 national academies that make up the Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española, an association of Spanish language academies across international borders.

Click here to buy Hablando (bien) se entiende la gente

Watch video – Detroit station to offer first Spanish language baseball presentation

Posted by Elena del Valle on August 6, 2008


Greg Hammaren, senior vice president and general manager, FSN Detroit

Photos: FSN Detroit

For the first time Detroit station FSN Plus will air Spanish language coverage of a Tigers Oakland Athletics game in an effort to attract Spanish dominant viewers in the areas it serves. Broadcaster Clemson Smith Muñiz will provide a play-by-play commentary and Adrian Burgos, Jr., a Latino Baseball historian, will serve as analyst Saturday, August 9 for the Detroit Tigers annual ¡Fiesta Tigres! Night at Comerica Park. Scroll down to watch 15-second promo video in Spanish.

The Spanish-language presentation will be available to most cable and satellite households throughout the FSN Detroit regional footprint. The Spanish-language coverage is scheduled to begin at 7 pm with Smith Muñiz and Burgos, Jr. The English-language telecast of that night’s Tigers-A’s game with Mario Impemba and Rod Allen will air as usual on FSN Detroit and FSN HD. The one time effort will be promoted via FSN Detroit and local cable companies.

“This is the perfect opportunity for FSN Detroit and the ball club to reach out to an important segment of the Tigers fan base, while honoring the heritage of many fans’ favorite players,” said Greg Hammaren, senior vice president and general manager, FSN Detroit. “We are proud to provide this important piece of programming to our cable and satellite providers in conjunction with the ¡Fiesta Tigres! celebration that night at Comerica Park.”

Target Latinos effectively by anticipating changes in the market with

“Hispanic Projections with 2007-08 update” audio recording

Roger Selbert, Ph.D.

Presenter Roger Selbert, Ph.D.

Find out

  • About Latino buying power growth in the future
  • How Latino market growth compares with other markets in the U.S.
  • What drives the rise of Latino economic clout
  • Who should target the Latino market
  • What is the size of the Hispanic affluent market
  • If the luxury Latino market is growing

Stay ahead of your competition with “Hispanic Projections”

¡Fiesta Tigres! is the Tigers annual salute to the contributions of Hispanics and Latinos to the game of baseball. The team’s 2008 roster includes Magglio Ordoñez, Carlos Guillen, Miguel Cabrera and Armando Galarraga (Venezuela); Placido Polanco, Fernando Rodney, Ramon Santiago, Freddy Dolsi, Aquilino Lopez and infield coach Rafael Belliard (Dominican Republic); Edgar Renteria (Colombia); and Joel Zumaya (Mexico).

“This is a historic telecast for the Tigers, and for our ¡Fiesta Tigres! celebration,” said Duane McLean, senior vice president of Business Operations for the Tigers. “We’re thrilled FSN Detroit is offering the game in Spanish-language, and joining us in honoring the contributions of Hispanic players past and present.”

The latest census data shows 4 percent, approximately 390,000, of the population of Michigan is Hispanic. The largest Hispanic communities are Grand Rapids (13.1 percent or 25,000), Pontiac (12.8 percent or 8,590), Saginaw (11.7 percent or 6,730); Detroit (5 percent or 43,500).


Broadcaster Clemson Smith Muñiz

Smith Muñiz, a native of Puerto Rico, has an extensive Spanish-language broadcasting resume, including TV play-by-play and pre- and post-game hosting for the New York Mets, Yankees and MLB International. The longtime Spanish play-by-play voice for the New York Knicks, Smith Muñiz also serves in that capacity for the New York Jets, Monday Night Football for Univision Radio, as well as Army football.

He has also worked as commentator for Super Bowl XLI and XLII, as the English and Spanish-language sideline reporter for Westwood One during the broadcast of the first NFL regular-season game in Mexico City in 2005, and as commentator during the 1997 and 1998 NBA Playoffs. A former sportswriter for the Hartford Courant, the New York Daily News and Spain’s El País, Smith Muñiz started his Spanish-language broadcast career in 1991 with ESPN International calling Australian Rules Football before graduating to major events such as the NBA Finals, Stanley Cup Finals and World Series. He is president of Smith Muñiz Productions, a New York-based company that helps clients target the Hispanic market.

Burgos, an educator and author, is an associate history professor at the University of Illinois specializing in U.S. Latino history, African-American studies, sport history and urban history. In 2007, Burgos published Playing America’s Game(s): Baseball, Latinos and the Color Line, a book that examines the impact Latino players had on U.S. professional baseball and on baseball’s color line and racial understandings.


Adrian Burgos, Jr., a Latino Baseball Historian

Burgos, who earned his doctorate from the University of Michigan, also was a contributing author to the 2006 book Shades of Glory: The Negro Leagues and the Story of African American Baseball. He served on the screening and voting committees for the National Baseball Hall of Fame’s 2006 special election on the Negro Leagues, and consulted on the Hall’s ¡Béisbol- Baseball!: The Shared Pastime project.

According to promotional materials FSN Detroit and FSN Plus coverage of the Tigers is available in 3.2 million cable and satellite households throughout Michigan and portions of Northwest Ohio and Northern Indiana.

Make your ads resonate with Hispanics
Listen to C&R’s Research Director Liria Barbosa in

“Hispanics’ Perspective on Advertising” audio recording

Liria Barbosa

Liria Barbosa gives a presentation and participates in an extended Q&A discussion about

• Type of ads Latinos prefer
• Latino top media choices
• Percent of Latinos who tried products because of ads
• Percent of Latinos who purchased products because of ads
• What makes an ad “Hispanic”
• If ad language is important for bicultural Latinos
• What to keep in mind when targeting bicultural Latinos with ads

Click here for information on Hispanic Perspectives on Advertising

20th Annual Chicago Career Conference

Posted by Elena del Valle on June 17, 2005

Thursday, June 23, 2005
Palmer House Hilton – Chicago, IL


The 20th Annual Chicago Career Conference will offer:
On-site interaction with over 80 leading employers
Career Help Center
Resume Critiques
Professional Development Workshops
Conference participants have free entrance to the evening Mega Networking Fiesta.  This unique professional recruitment event will feature leading companies, non-profits, government agencies, academic institutions and other employers truly engaged in Latino diversity. Attendees can speak directly with recruiters and hiring managers to find a job and enhance their careers. Entrance to the conference is free with a resume; pre-registration is required.
Companies that attended and hired as a result of last year’s Conference and other HACE programs:
CHAC, Inc.
City Colleges of Chicago 
CNA Insurance
Erie Family Health Center 
Lehman Brothers  
JP Morgan Chase 
Morgan Stanley
Pre-registration at http://www.hace-usa.org